EIPACC EU Certification Mark Regulation of Use (RoU)

For using the EIPACC Certification Mark certain requirements and conditions should be met which are codified in the applicable EIPACC Certification Mark Regulation of Use (RoU).   

The EIPACC Certification Mark Regulation of Use (RoU) contains the following obligatory information as required as per European Commission Implementing Regulations.

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. A declaration of the applicant stating that it does not carry on a business involving the supply of goods or services of the kind certified.
  3. Representation of the Certification Mark
  4. The goods or services covered by the Certification Mark
  5. The characteristics of the goods and/or services to be certified by the Certification Mark (e.g. material, mode of manufacture of goods or performance of services, quality or accuracy)
  6. The conditions governing the use of the Certification Mark, including sanctions
  7. The persons authorised to use the Certification Mark
  8. How the certifiying body is to test those characteristics and to supervise the use of the Certification Mark.

Your copy of the EIPACC Certification Mark Regulation of Use (RoU)


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